Run Shell Command In Python - I
This page is the first part of "run shell command in python", I will introduce you the subprocess package and ways to run command in python. In the second part, I will introduce some more advanced knowledge about stdin, stdout and pipe with the subprocess package.
Different ways to run shell command
Run a command in the shell
Run a command in Jupyter Notebook with "!" or with the magic command "%bash". (See Jupyter Notebook)
Run a command with python subprocess package
The subprocess package
When you executed a command, you started a process that use specific system resources (CPU, MEM, etc.) to run the job. In addition, all process can spawn child processes, which is called subprocess. The python built-in subprocess package allow you to start subprocess in python. In other words, it allow you to execute other commands within python, just like what you do in the shell.
Why run shell command in python?
The main reason is to run batch commands easier.
When I prepare the bulk RNA-seq data for this book, I used the pandas to handle all the metadata table, and use python code to construct dozens of command. Finally, I use the subprocess package to execute them (see this notebook). Because everything is done in python, I don't need to switching environments and all steps are documented in the notebook.
Stdin, stdout, stderr, and return code
You need to understand these terms before reading the jupyter notebook below.
A UNIX process has three standard streams: stdin, stdout, and stderr.
stdin is for taking input
stdout is for printing output informations
stderr is for printing error informations
These three terms are foundation of UNIX process information flow, I believe you can find great explanations on google if you don't fully understand this.
In addition to the three information stream, all commands finished with a returncode. The UNIX convention is that, if returncode is 0, means command succeed, non-zero returncode means command failed. Different non-zero returncodes mean different kinds of failure, which is defined by the program.
Take home message of this notebook: is the most common API for running shell command in python.
set stderr=PIPE and stdout=PIPE to capture the information printed in these two system file handles
set encoding='utf8' to make sure you got string but not bytes from stderr and stdout
Returncode == 0 means job succeed, otherwise means failure. If check=True, non-zero return code triggers subprocess.CalledProcessError
Try ... Except ... allows you catch an error and deal with it
By default, shell=False and you need to provide command as a list, redirct and pipe will not work.
When shell=True, you can provide command as a string and any command works just like in shell is a hard but important python function for beginners, it is not easy to understand, but once you do, you gain a lot of knowledge not only on python, but also on the whole UNIX system!
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